Cincinnati Children's
CHALLENGE: A child’s battle with cancer impacts the entire family. Instill confidence in families facing their child’s cancer diagnosis that help is available regardless of financial status. Capture the giving spirit of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital through the lives of actual patients and their families, letting others know they don’t have to fight this battle alone.
OPPORTUNITY: This was a very captivating project and I was fortunate enough to have a significant role in the entire creative process. Beginning with storyboarding, I gravitated to Abbie’s story and saw this piece as an opportunity to pinpoint every viewer’s heart. To capture and communicate the shock of losing a child to cancer, and the courage it takes to fight that battle. Throughout production I served as 2nd Assistant Director. My job was to manage Production Assistants, complete and update daily call sheets and contact information for all thirty-five crew members, keep everyone up to date on where to go and when to be there, and most importantly provide a safe and comfortable experience for each showcased family. With that role, I had the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with Abbie’s father, Bill. Connecting strongly to his unwavering dedication to family, I realized the only way to tell Abbie’s story was through Bill’s eyes. That connection proved to be a significant inspiration for the final cut. Continuing with post-production, I served as Editor and Project Manager for all three commercial spots with Abbie’s to take center stage. Once the originally scripted cut was assembled and ready for review, there remained a little extra time for me to create a second, slower, more intimate portrait. A chance to present this blue-collar father as the gentle family man I’d gotten to know days before. With meticulously timing of Bill’s blinks frame-by-frame and drawing out suspense entering Abbie’s empty room, the piece was ready. My alternate edit moved on to win an Emmy award and continues to capture the true purpose of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital through the eyes of a father who loves his family.