Holy Idea Tees

CHALLENGE: HOLY IDEA TEES’s existing social media strategy required producing a new video for each shirt which was taking up far too much of the owner’s time. Present a sample Instagram campaign that can be turned into a recurring advertising model while driving traffic to the HOLY IDEA TEES eBay store. Retain brand identity without disrupting daily operations.

OPPORTUNITY: HOLY IDEA TEES had made a name for itself through strong eBay sales and quality customer service. While part of a small business mentorship program with eBay, Chris was encouraged to boost his existing social media presence to reach a wider audience, and asked me to help plan that strategy. Rather than focus on the shirts themselves, my solution was to connect viewers through an intimate glimpse into the man behind the company. Instilling buyer confidence from his intricate knowledge and passion for the nostalgic culture of vintage t-shirts.

Taking advantage of his biweekly “Ironing Day”, I saw an opportunity to capture Chris in his native form. Passing along tips, techniques, and details most other companies overlook. Showcasing a small number of unique shirts to represent all the diverse styles in stock, we would provide an emotional connection to that shirt’s aesthetic, then embed its video into the sale/listing of every other shirt in that genre.
When presented to the eBay mentorship representative, her response was, “Make more. Now.”

While Chris ultimately decided to take his business in a different direction, I am still proud of the opportunity this campaign created.

One applied to many. Optimization without disruption. The genuine portrait of a man who really loves t-shirts.