Chevrolet Sound Garage

CHALLENGE: Edit one hard drive full of interview and b-roll footage into three profile pieces in eight days. Followed by a 10-day road trip shot guerilla style with eight additional artists destined to battle brush-to-brush live on stage in the Chevrolet Sound Garage at SXSW.

OPPORTUNITY: It’s always intriguing how much I get to know a person’s character while editing their portrait piece. Studying hours of footage of someone I’ve never met, then assembling the most captivating moments into a story that best interprets their unique personality and passion. Frame-by-frame watching their eyes, following their movements, feeling their emotions. While most projects would end there with no opportunity to meet the actual person behind the profile, this time I had a chance to spend one-on-one time building relationships with each artist during our 10-day road trip from Detroit, MI to Austin, TX and back. This was a life-changing experience for everyone involved. Surrounded by artistic expression, support, and encouragement I grew beyond “just a video editor” to finally recognizing myself as a true artist and creative.

Stationed in the upstairs storage room of a Dubstep recording studio, and living on an unsteady diet of Oreos and Red Bull, I hammered away at four episodes showcasing each round of the head-to-head graffiti battle.